We Would Be Dead
A weekly true crime podcast that finds humanity in the darkness, humor in the history and the devil in the details.

Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Melted (Snowmen)
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Whether they’re singing of Silver and Gold, Holding the ghost of your dead father, dreaming of summer or running here and there all around the square saying catch me if you can, The snowman has become an enduring symbol of wintertime holidays. But, as you might have guessed, snowmen weren't always the jolly happy souls we know and love today. The humble snowman started out his life his life as something much more shocking. We hope you enjoy our yearly mythical holiday offering, it took us to some very weird places to be sure!
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The Illustrated History of the Snowman by Bob Eckstein
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Friday Dec 15, 2023
Anomalies (The Murder of Dee Dee Blanchard Part 2)
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
*This is a part 2, so if you haven't listened to part one, do so now*
In this Part of the strange saga of the Blanchard women we take a in depth look at the copious medical disorders Dee Dee claimed Gypsy had, and the treatments she suffered because of them. We follow the thin pathway of logic Dee Dee used to convince doctors of Gypsy's imaginary ailments, and attempt to demonstrate how she arrived at the illnesses she chose. Most importantly we will explore just how a case like Gypsy's could have slipped through the cracks for as long as it did and reveal what became of Gypsy and Nick in the aftermath of the crime. This is the good stuff fiends, there's a lot to learn in this one and we hope you enjoy it.
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Websleuths feed 1
Websleuths feed 2
How to investigate medical child abuse
Original Buzzfeed article
Crime Scene photos (NSFW)
Mommy Dead and Dearest (Documentary)
Research and Resources from Dr. Feldman
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Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Mother Knows Best (The murder of Dee Dee Blanchard Part 1)
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Community darling Dee Dee Blanchard had been through it all, divorce, abuse, poverty and a medically complicated child who required too many procedures to count. To top it all off Dee Dee and her young daughter Gypsy Rose lost their home and all their belongings during hurricane Katrina, so when habitat for humanity built them a beautiful little home in Springfield Missouri it seemed like heaven on earth. Poor little gypsy was unable to walk and eat by mouth. She had compromised hearing and vision and was developmentally and intellectually disabled. Gypsy was slight from years of liquid nutrition only, bald from chemotherapy, missing many of her adult teeth and yet through it all she was always able to greet the world with a smile. Everyone in Springfield and beyond looked out for the Blanchards, it was the least they could do, so when both women went missing on June 14, 2015 it seemed clear that something was very wrong. Little did their friends and neighbors know that for this little family, things were most definitely not always as they seemed. The investigation that followed their disappearance uncovered one of the strangest cases the American Public has ever seen.
This case has been heavily requested for a long time so we took our time, and two episodes, to cover it!
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This case might be new to some of you so we're saving the links for next week. Don't want to spoil anything for anyone!
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Friday Nov 17, 2023
Everlasting Faint (The Greenbrier Ghost)
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
A whirlwind romance, a handsome stranger, a mysterious death, and a ghost that solves her own murder? It's no wonder the legend of the Greenbrier Ghost is one of America's most beloved ghost stories. This week we explore the many things in this time honored tale that have been lost in translation for over a century. If you think you know this story, think again. The story of Zona Heaster Shue the Greenbrier Ghost, is the most thrilling example of a woman who will stop at nothing to find justice that we've ever heard. We hope you enjoy!
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The death, resurrection and retribution of Zona Heaster Shue, The Greenbrier Ghost
Greenbrier Ghost, Zona Heaster Shue
Greenbrier Ghost (Newspaper article)
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Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
True or False Crime (Charlie McCarthy’s Ghost / Kidney Heist)
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Leslie's Back! Just under the wire we bring you a game of true or false crime! See if you can guess if these two compelling and widely told stories are truly true crime or false felonies. Happy Halloween!
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Friday Oct 20, 2023
Grow for me (Botanical poisoners with John Rattacasa)
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Leslie is still on Maternity Leave so this week we bring you an episode on Holly's favorite topic, poison, with one of her favorite people, frequent campfire guest and all around friend of WWBD; John Rattacasa! John has his very own poison garden with all of the rarest and deadliest plants in the world.
Holly and John talk all things botanical poison and then explore some cases where these rare and beautiful killers were actually used for sinister purposes. Holly tells the stories of Cangrande Della Scala Lord of Verona, who's mysterious death in 1329 was not untangled until scientists happened upon his perfectly preserved mummy in 2015, and David Wayne Sconce the world's most diabolical mortician. John brings us a tale of the world's deadliest and least talked about poison flower, Wolfsbane. This is a fun one fiends!
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Article on the Digitalis Mummy
casefile on David Wayne Sconce
Follow John on Tiktok
John's Etsy shop
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Friday Oct 13, 2023
Copycat (The Friday the 13th Killer with Jon Katity)
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Hey there fiends, Leslie is taking a little time off to be the cutest and spookiest new mom in all the land, which means...(imagine a drum roll) guest hosts!
Happy Friday the 13th! This week in honor of this the luckiest unlucky of all days we brought our editor and composer Jon Katity on to help tell the story of the horrific murder of Sharon Gregory by a man named Mark Branch. Mark was obsessed with horror films, and aren't we all? Mark however took the concept of life imitating art to a new level when he decided to act out his own horror movie in real life. Knock on wood and cross your fingers because this is the story of the Friday the 13th killer.
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Thursday Oct 05, 2023
The Weirdest New Jersey (NJ Horrors and Haunts with Jesse Pollack)
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Hey there fiends, Leslie is taking a little time off to be the cutest and spookiest new mom in all the land, which means...(imagine a drum roll) guest hosts!
This week we bring you several tales of homegrown horror from our friend and previous guest, author Jesse Pollack. Jesse is a contributing columnist for Weird New Jersey and co authored the definitive book and podcast on the mysterious death of Jeannette Delpalma: Death on the Devil’s Teeth. Jesse also authored the book and documentary The Acid King and is currently in production with his new found footage horror film, The Point Pleasant Tapes. Today Jesse brings us three spooky stories from the depths of his time thus far with Weird NJ, so get out your coziest blanket, light a fall candle and enjoy our first October Offering!
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A nightmare Before Christmas in Trenton (Weird NJ Article)
Trailer for The Point Pleasant Tapes
Buy Death on the Devil's Teeth
Buy The Acid King
Death on the Devil's Teeth Podcast
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Thursday Sep 21, 2023
We Would Be Deadlines (Rabbit Holes #1)
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
As lovers of information Holly and Leslie frequently fall down "rabbit holes" while researching cases for you. Sometimes they're newsworthy, sometimes they're silly, sometimes they're suggestions from you and sometimes they're just plain weird. No matter which rabbit hole they fall down, they all have one thing in common, they're interesting enough to pull you away from whatever you're supposed to be doing right now.
This week we'll fall down a path that leads to some current events, case updates, a list of cemeteries you have to visit this October, true crime history that occurred on this day, and the story of a positively ungovernable furry fugitive.
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Finding Alicia facebook page
Voices For Justice Podcast
Escaped Pennsylvania Killer
Ellen Greenberg (Teacher who died of over 20 mysterious stab wounds)
History.com Article: 13 Year old newspaper delivery boy found dead
New York Times, "She Steals Surfboards by the Seashore. She’s a Sea Otter."
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Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Gone to pieces (The Murder of Shad Thyrion)
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
In the very pre daylight hours of February 23rd 2022 Tara Pakanich heard the storm door to her basement close. Tara's 24 year old son, Shad Thyrion was staying with her at the time in that very basment, and had been entertaining an old friend, a woman named Taylor Schabusiness. Tara upon hearing the door close, wondered if they'd both left, or just her son's guest. As Tara made her way down the stairs I'm sure a lot of possible outcomes ran through her mind, but none of them included finding her son's head in a bucket at the base of the stairs, but that's exactly what happened. This case was a request fiends, and boy is it a wild one!
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Taylor's formal police report
911 call
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About Us
We are Holly & Leslie, the hosts of We Would Be Dead. A weekly true crime podcast that finds humanity in the darkness, humor in the history, and the devil in the details. Above all else we recognize that if we had to walk a mile in any of the stories that we tell, we would be dead.